Thursday, January 31, 2008

'The worst so-called theatrical event ever'

I could not help but think of this great New Yorker cover from a few years back when I read the New York Post's Cindy Adams' review of Jerry Springer - The Opera:

"Jerry Springer - the Opera" is filth. The dregs. Despicable, debasing, disgusting, degrading, dehumanizing, revolting, repugnant, repulsive, frightful, awful, disgraceful, discreditable, shameful, terrible, horrible, horrendous, horrific, nauseating, offensive, depraved, loathsome, vile. It is taking a roll in a sewer. It is the pits. The lowest. The slimiest. You not only need a bath after, you need an exterminator."
Doesn't that make you kind of want to see it, though?