Monday, April 30, 2007


For the record, if all you're interested in is a massage, there are options that don't include paying $300 per hour to a prostitute.

On Friday, Randall L. Tobias resigned as deputy secretary of state one day after confirming to Brian Ross of ABC that he had patronized the Pamela Martin firm. Speaking yesterday on "Good Morning America," Ross said Tobias told him Tobias's number was on Palfrey's phone records because he had called "to have gals come over to the condo to give me a massage." There had been "no sex," Ross quoted Tobias as saying, and that recently he has used another service, "with Central American gals," for massages.
Haven't these people ever heard of day spas?


Anonymous said...

It could be worse--they could have been cutting his hair. *snork*