Monday, April 17, 2006

Iran claims to test new centrifuge

Meanwhile, crazy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues trying to goad crazy George W. Bush, crazy Dick Cheney and crazy Donald Rumsfeld into a fight.

Iran's president has thrown a new wrinkle into the nuclear debate by claiming his country is testing a centrifuge that could be used to more speedily create fuel for power plants or atomic weapons.

But some analysts familiar with the country's technology said Monday that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could be deliberately exaggerating Iran's capabilities, either to boost his own political support or to persuade the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency to back off.

The U.N. Security Council has demanded that Iran cease enrichment work, which the United States and some of its allies suspect is meant to produce weapons. Russia and China, two of the council's five veto-holding members, have opposed punishing Iran.
I wonder if this guy thinks, for some reason, that Bush really is not considering nuking his country. Could Ahmadinejad believe that this man, who invaded Iraq for no reason at all, would hesitate to order a nuclear strike against Iran? Heck, there's probably three guys trying to pull Bush's hand away from the button as I type this.

Please God, we need you to step in and cool this situation down. We need your divine intervention and we need it now, in Jesus' name. Hear our prayer. Amen.