Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bush will undo the DP World port security deal

George W. Bush is a man who hates having anybody tell him what he should do. He genuinely considers himself above criticism or even questioning.

However, even this stubborn man will have to acknowledge the political necessity of reviewing (read: "undoing") the deal to have Dubai Ports World take over security for six American ports.

President Bush is facing political pressure to block a deal that would give a United Arab Emirates-based company management of six major U.S. seaports.

The Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security panel said the deal should not go through without a complete investigation.

"I would urge the president to freeze the contract, hold this contract, until a full and thorough and complete investigation can be conducted," said New York Rep. Peter King, who has been briefed on the transaction.

King said Monday that Americans can't have faith in the company involved because "there was never a thorough investigation done of Dubai Ports."
The White House has already begun laying the foundation for Bush's walk-back on the ports deal. It is an odd strategy, but it is all they have. At a time when Bush is under criticism for being detached from events, the administration says the president was detached from this event.

Administration officials Monday sought to downplay the deal, saying it was done properly and that they would not jeopardize the security of American ports.

Bush was unaware of the deal until he heard reports of the congressional uproar, presidential adviser Dan Bartlett told CNN.
So, there it is. He didn't know about it. There's nothing wrong with it, but he's going to suspend the deal for further study. In the meantime, port security will be contracted out to an American firm on a provisional basis, which will quietly become permanent after the media spotlight dies down.