Tuesday, December 20, 2005

NSA Spying - Cut to the chase

It's too bad we can't just jump ahead to the part where some conscience-stricken intelligence agent reveals that Bush ordered the NSA to spy on journalists, war protesters and Democratic politicians. It feels inevitable, doesn't it?

If we could just cut to the chase, everybody could get to work doing what they do. Democrats could be outraged. FOX "News" viewers could thank God that he sent President Bush to protect them from the dirty, dark-skinned A-rab terrorists. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh could twist themselves into knots explaining that the illegal surveillance was necessary because journalists, war protesters and Democrats are, by their very existence, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The GOP-led congress could promise to get to the bottom of the matter by holding hearings on Michael Moore's complicity with Al Qaeda.

Come on, it's only a matter of time! Let's get to it! Leak the list!