Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Gmail finally out of 'Beta'

It only took five years!

Google is removing the "beta" label from many of its key services, including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Talk, and Google Video for Business. The move is seen as a way to attract large businesses to Google Apps, its suite of messaging and productivity applications.

For most users of Gmail and Google Calendar, today's news is little more than a lifting of the "beta" label for these already-reliable Google services. But Google says removing the "beta" label is a big deal for the businesses that it hopes will switch to Web-based Google services -- and away from software-based services offered by Microsoft and IBM.
With a little luck, this "Gmail" application might actually catch on with the general public.


billie said...

good news and bad. i like the theory and idea- not very trusting of the google though.