Hillary Clinton's speech, in which she essentially declared victory and issued yet another call for online donations, was reportedly toned down from the "more combative" version she would have preferred to give.
In a discussion on CNN about Mrs. Clinton’s speech, Carl Bernstein said Bill Clinton was very upset too, and “we’re in the midst of another Clinton family drama.” He said that Mrs. Clinton did not concede because she wants to leave her options open — and doesn’t want to leave her husband’s legacy “where it is right now” (which is not good).Unbelievable.
Mr. Bernstein also said she had expected a much bigger turnout in Puerto Rico in Sunday’s primary, and that “she was shocked and hurt that she couldn’t claim a much bigger portion of the popular vote tonight.” She had intended “to be even more combative” in her speech tonight, he said, and did not want to go as far as she did.
Jeffrey Toobin, one of the commentators who had started this conversation on CNN, blamed “the deranged narcissism of the Clintons,” for preventing her from conceding to Mr. Obama or being more magnanimous toward him.
Would somebody in the Clinton campaign please, please, please leak a copy of the earlier draft? Please?