Monday, February 04, 2008

Again with the crying?

I don't want to sound heartless, but I don't think I can avoid it.

She cried. Again.

Oh, boy -- here we go again. The last time Sen. Hillary Clinton "cried" (really, she just welled up a little, but to hear some of the coverage you'd think she broke down sobbing uncontrollably), the moment led to obsessive analysis and discussion. Hold on tight, folks, because it appears to have happened again, and Drudge is already all over the story.

Clinton was at an event in Connecticut Monday, at the Yale Child Study Center, which she worked at during law school. Jason George, posting on The Swamp, the blog of the Chicago Tribune's Washington bureau, writes, "A doctor, who was introducing Clinton, began to choke up, leading Clinton's eyes to fill with tears, which she wiped out of her left eye. At the time, the doctor was saying how proud he was that sheepskin-coat, bell-bottom-wearing young woman he met in 1972 was now running for president.

"'Well, I said I would not tear up; already we're not exactly on the path,' Clinton said with emotion after the introduction."
It sounds like the sort of situation where one would naturally tear up. I guess.

In the coverage after she won New Hampshire, Hillary surrogate Terry McAuliffe referred to the choke up as "the humanity moment." Again, I don't want to sound cynical, but... way to suck the feeling out of it there, Ter'.

And now, as Obama moves past her in California, and erases her lead in national polls, she's crying again?

Maybe it was sincere. Maybe it wasn't. Either way, I hope nobody in Camp Clinton is waiting for it to make the same difference that her "moment" made in New Hampshire.


LeftLeaningLady said...

Hate to break it to you, but you do sound heartless. Poor HRC just can't win. If she doesn't cry, she is a heartless bitch, if she does, she is calculating and cunning. Being overwhelmed emotionally when you are already overtaxed, overtired and overstressed is human. It isn't like she sobs openly. And, I have my fingers crossed that SOMETHING makes a difference today.

UncommonSense said...

Well, I never called her a heartless bitch, and I have never perceived her that way. I have actually always liked her.

I questioned the sincerity of the New Hampshire incident because, if you recall, the choking up came after a woman asked her how she keeps her hair looking so nice. It just seemed like she was looking for an opportunity to show some vulnerability. Later, I took it as confirmation when Terry McAuliffe referred to it as "the humanity moment." Who talks like that?

I offered the caveat at the beginnning of this post because I really didn't want to sound heartless, but the New Hampshire moment just makes me wonder.

I am not a Hillary hater. I don't think she's a bitch. I know very well that she is human. But I also know that her campaign is doing some things that I consider overly calculating, such as agreeing to forgo the results of the Florida and Michigan primaries, and then arguing after the fact that those states' delegates should be counted. Or trying to change the rules in the Nevada caucuses to keep people from being able to caucus where they worked, after the rules had been agreed upon. That's dirty pool.

As the campaign rolls along, I am just having trouble keeping incidents like these from coloring my perceptions of her candidacy.

Be all that as it may, however, we Democrats are blessed with the opportunity to choose the better of two truly outstanding individuals as our nominee. The Republicans, meanwhile, are left with trying to weed out the least bad option from a batch of misfits.

Either way it goes, we win.

LeftLeaningLady said...

I owe you an apology and I am sorry. I jumped into your stuff and I should not have. I am just sick and tired of people badmouthing the Clintons when they clearly have no idea what they are talking about. You are a different matter, you have a brain and you use it, but I started typing without first thinking and I know better than that. Thank you for setting me straight.