Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nader - Again with this?

Would somebody please get Ralph Nader a hobby, or a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, or something?

Ralph Nader has formed a presidential exploratory committee, and said in an interview Wednesday that he will launch another presidential bid if he's convinced he can raise enough money to appear on the vast majority of state ballots this fall.
I would hope that the last seven years have taught Naderites that they were smoking crack in 2000 when they believed there were no meaningful differences between George W. Bush and Al Gore.

Anybody who still thinks there are no differences between the Democrats and the Republicans needs electroshock therapy.


billie said...

seriously- the naderites are as bad as the bushies. good lord! do they even realize how often he has taken right wing money for his 'campaigns?' he does not need any more attention- and if anyone votes for him- they should be rounded up and bused to kansas- and left there.

UncommonSense said...

I would never do that to Kansas.