Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Generation Chickenhawk

Max Blumenthal's latest.

These are the tender, green buds that will blossom into the Tom DeLays, Karl Roves, and George W. Bushes of tomorrow. I don't who should be more alarmed at that prospect - the Republican Party, or everybody else in the country.

The remarks of the CRs themselves are bad enough, especially as they try to justify their failure to even consider picking up a weapon and standing a post in Iraqi theater of the Great and Glorious War on Terror. But, listening to the clips from elder GOPers like DeLay is just as revealing. They hold these little airheads in utter contempt. They know these kids are brainless followers, and that all they have to do is point them in the right direction. They will never question. They will never attempt to form their own opinions. They will never deviate in any way from the party line.

(Oh, by the way, did you know that abortion is a main cause of illegal immigration? It's true. Tom DeLay said so. I wasn't sure how to interpret the stony silence with which the towheaded li'l darlings in the CR audience received that news.)