Friday, June 15, 2007

'Non-scandal' claims latest victim

For an overblown personnel matter involving the completely routine, non-politically-motivated dismissals of a bunch of lawyers who serve at pleasure of the president, this U.S. Attorney non-scandal sure seems to be forcing the resignations of a heck of a lot of Bush administration officials.

Mike Elston, the chief of staff to outgoing Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty, is resigning effective next week.

Elston was deeply involved in the firing of federal prosecutors last year and -- by all appearances -- tried to hide the truth about what happened afterward by silencing the U.S. attorneys who were forced out. As the Associated Press reports, several of the ousted prosecutors said they received phone calls from Elston in which they believed he was offering them a threatening sort of quid pro quo: They don't talk about the circumstances of their firings, and the Justice Department wouldn't trash them in public. Elston has denied that he meant to threaten anyone.
Or is it just me?


billie said...

gonzo had all of that 'incompetence' and 'corruption' beneath him- and yet he still has his job. hmmmmmm.....