Friday, June 29, 2007

Andrew Sullivan; Ann Coulter

Meanwhile, Andy bemoans the suggestion that right-wing freakshow Ann Coulter is a "leader of the conservative movement."

    "Ann Coulter is owed an apology from those outlets, including NBC’s Nightly News, The Washington Post and CNN’s American Morning, which have mis-reported her comments. And conservatives, take note: Today it’s Coulter, tomorrow it may be you. The left has demonstrated that it will stop at nothing, including flat-out dishonesty, to undermine our leaders,"
Brent Bozell, in a press release. If Ann Coulter is now a leader of the conservative movement, it really is time to close it down.
Got news for you, Andy. Ann Coulter is the conservative movement. She is a creation of the conservative movement and its most prolific spokesperson. Name one other person on the political right who commands the attention that she does. There isn't one.

Because of the vile rhetoric that she spews every time she opens her mouth, Ann Coulter draws standing-room only crowds at every gathering of conservatives that she attends. She is a sought-after guest on television talk shows. When she wished out loud for the assasination of John Edwards, it was during an hour-long appearance on MSNBC's Hardball. Is there another figure on the right or left, other than George W. Bush or Dick Cheney, who would be welcomed for an entire hour on a cable network news program?

Conservatives are enthralled with Ann Coulter. Her books are not best-sellers because liberals, or even moderates, are buying them. She has no cross-over appeal. She is the unrestrained, vocal id of the right. Conservatives hang on her every utterance and cannot wait to hear what she is going to say next. And they buy into every word of it. This is the very definition of movement leadership.

I feel for you, Andy, I really do. It cannot be easy to realize that the political ideology to which you have devoted your life has spawned a movement led by, and populated with, utter thugs. But you must let go of the illusion that conservatism ever had any more potential than this.

Conservatism, contrary to what conservatives tell themselves, is not a philosophy. Frankly, it barely rises to the level of an ideology. Conservatism is a reflex. It is a primitive response to unwelcome change. Conservatism is Mine! Conservatism is No! Conservatism is Stop!

Go away!

Leave me alone!



These are buttons that conservative leaders push within the minds and souls of their followers. These are the buttons that Ann Coulter pushes, and to which she receives such delighted responses every time she does it. I defy anyone to identify a more influential spokesperson for the right wing in this country.

Ann Coulter is more than a leader of the conservative movement, Andy. She is the leader of the movement.

And you're right. It is time to close it down.