Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Thanks to that link from Eschaton, this blog just logged 1,000 hits for the first time ever in a single day.

Obviously, I don't expect this kind of traffic to sustain itself, but it made it a nice day. My blog has been building its readership (very) slowly but steadily over the past two years and change. I have gone from, literally, zero hits per week to several dozen per day. It has been satisfying to watch happen.

There are some bloggers who rocketed to superstardom and thousands of visits per day within weeks or months of going online. I'm thinking of folks like Glenn Greenwald and Jane Hamsher. More power to them. They're great writers and I love reading them and they deserve all the attention they're getting.

I started this blog as a daily writing exercise. Now, I just do it because I have to. I don't always succeed, but even on days when I don't have time between my full-time job and my family to write long posts, I try to at least link to news stories I find interesting. And even if nobody ever visited again, I don't think I could stop. If you blog, you know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, it was a good blog day, and I'm glad I got to share it with you.


Richard said...

Glad to know that I'm not the only one who blogs because he has to. I also started as a writing exercise because I understand what I have written better than what I read.

It's been about three years for me, and I run 45 to 60 hits a day in a normal week. and that's after I learned to turn off the sitemeter record of my own visits to my blog.

Good luck to you.

billie said...

hey congrats!! you write good stuff. if you write it, they will come :)