Friday, April 13, 2007

Alberto Gonzales; Prep

When I read about all the "prep" Alberto Gonzales was enduring to get ready for his senate testimony, I asked what seemed to be an obvious question:

    What kind of "prep" do you need to tell the truth under oath? There is the truth, and then there is not the truth. If you know the difference, and are determined to tell the truth, what's the problem?
Today, Digby wonders the same thing:

Can someone please explain to me why this should be necessary?

    Gonzales, meanwhile, has been preparing for a pivotal appearance on Tuesday before the committee, including mock testimony sessions lasting up to five hours a day, officials said.

I can hardly believe that this isn't either a national joke or a scandal. The Attorney General of the United States should not have rehearse for five hours a day to truthfully answer questions from the US congress. It's ludicrous. Just how stupid is this guy, anyway?
I don't think he's stupid at all. He's corrupt. He's getting his story straight so he can sit there in front of congress and the American people and stick to it. Period.


billie said...

i keep wondering how much more proof is needed that this whole administration is corrupt and impeachments need to start happening. i think that this is way over due. impeachment and indictment. i mean really. why would you need to delete emails or resign and plead the fifth- if you are innocent and plan to tell the truth? i got through 2 chapters of 'the one percent doctrine' and i couldn't read anymore. 6 years and how much more proof?