Friday, March 02, 2007

Coulter; Edwards; The F-Bomb.

Ann Coulter dropped the F-Bomb today while speaking to a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee. No, not that F-Bomb. The other one.

Salon's Michael Scherer, reporting from the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, says Coulter told the crowd there: "I was going to have some comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you say the word faggot -- so I am kind of at an impasse."
This is not the first time that Coulter has used this vicious tactic against a prominent Democrat. Last year, on MSNBC's Hardball, she questioned the sexuality of a certain former president and vice president of the United States.

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about your private life. How do you know that Bill Clinton's gay?

COULTER: He may not be gay, but Al Gore, total fag. No, I'm just kidding. As someone, no --

MATTHEWS: That's based on your private life?

COULTER: No, that's a joke.


COULTER: That's what we call in the writing business, a joke. No, I mean, I state a manifestly obvious fact. Someone pointed out on Free Republic, I think a little disgruntled yesterday, Ann's amazing capacity is to state the obvious and make it news. I mean, everyone has always known, widely promiscuous heterosexual men have, as I say, a whiff of the bathhouse about them.
What a hideous creature.


Kilroy_60 said...

I'm hoping Ann Coulter steps up and decides to run. What better leader could we have?

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