Friday, February 09, 2007

'Get the full story out'


Bush and Cheney made a common mistake in their public handling of the Plame affair, says presidential scholar and University of Texas government professor Bruce Buchanan, who has watched Bush's career since his days as Texas governor.

"They're in a high-stakes game of poker, the immediate pressure is political and the people in charge are political people," Buchanan said. "If there is a legal issue it will dawn, but by then someone is out on a limb."

Testimony and documents in the trial show Rove joining Cheney in trying to undercut Wilson's claim that the administration had twisted prewar intelligence to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.

"We're a day late in getting responses to the story," Rove told a staff meeting, according to Libby's notes.

"Get the full story out," Cheney told aides, according to Libby's grand jury testimony.
Gerald Ford did not heal this country by pardoning Richard Nixon for his crimes. He created the sense among high government officials that they could escape accountability for their actions. We have been suffering for it ever since.

Enough. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney belong in prison.


billie said...

i would settle for rove and cheney. they are the brains behind this outfit. if gonzalez shared that cell- hey the more the merrier.