Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hate Amendment - Stupid Politics

If the Hate Amendment is the best that GOP can do to rally the base in an election year, they're way off their game.

The Times reports that the Republican leadership in congress wants to vote on this to make a statement about the party's values. However, they don't want the vote to take place close to November, in case it backfires.

Thus, we have the debate and the vote in June.

But one Republican strategist, Ed Rollins, said it was a mistake for the president and Senate leaders to focus attention on a marriage ban now, in what could look like a panicked reaction to shrinking public support.

"What the president needs to do is look like a leader, not be somebody who looks like a politician who is overreacting to polls," Mr. Rollins said. "If anything, he is reminding people of what they don't like about the Republican Party."

It was clear that others in the Senate were ready to put the matter behind them, and they appeared to be getting their wish as the leadership set the vote for Wednesday.
What, does Dr. Fristus believe the Alliance for Marriage crowd will continue to hold content-free press conferences throughout the long, hot summer? Do they think that Republican voters will keep focusing on gay marriage even as they struggle with the rising costs of keeping their homes cool? You don't rally the base before July 4th for an election that takes place in November.

So, not only is the amendment doomed to fail, but the strategy behind the amendment is dead on arrival. The GOP has demonstrated nothing but hatred for the sake of hatred. What a pathetic spectacle.


billie said...

good luck ever getting bush to look like anything other than the moron that he is. if they could just boost cheney's polls.

UncommonSense said...

if they could just boost cheney's polls.

Yeah, fat chance. Jeffery Dahmer would poll higher than Cheney. You don't turn that around.