Thursday, June 15, 2006

America still hates Bush

The headline on MSNBC reads,

    Bush's standing rises slightly
Yeah, very slightly.

According to the poll, 37 percent approve of Bush's job performance — an increase of one point since the last survey in April. This is the seventh straight NBC/Journal poll that has had Bush's job approval below 40 percent. Meanwhile, just 23 percent approve of Congress' job, while a whopping 64 percent disapprove.
One point? From 36 percent to 37 percent? This counts as evidence that Bush's "standing" with the American people has improved?

This is a joke. This poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent. That means Bush could actually be less popular than he was in April. He could be at 34 percent, rather than 37.

The news media are so desperate to advance their "Bush bounces back" storyline that they are willing to defy logic to make it happen.

A more accurate headline would have read,

    Bush remains unpopular
    Week's worth of positive news has negligible effect on approval rating
I won't hold my breath waiting for that one, though.


billie said...

ahhhh- honesty. what a concept!