This is from The News Blog:
Ken Mehlman has an impossible job, expanding the GOP while keeping the base happy and it isn't happening.Yeah.
Bush's gross failure during Katrina killed any chance of shifting black support. Killed it dead. Why? You see your relatives stranded like they live in the Congo, and no one seems to be doing anything to help them. You've seen airdrops around the world, but not when your people need it.
Now, you have millions of Americans saying you have slandered and insult them. Described as job stealing criminals, when you had no idea Americans wanted to do day labor and open taquieras. Hispanics now see the GOP as their mortal enemies.
Good luck securing 100 percent of the nativist vote, Republicans. You'll need at least that to make up for the complete evaporation of your minority support.
What were you guys thinking?
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