Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Defending DeLay

The conserative Christian community is in full-blown "defend The Hammer" mode.

Digby reports on the vocal and moral support that Tom DeLay is receiving from Family Research Council president Tony Perkins.

"Tom DeLay has been a friend of the family in the Congress," said Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council.

"We are very privileged to have this opportunity to honor an upstanding member of the United States Congress. Tom DeLay has worked tirelessly to help the United States return to the respectful moral values that so many Americans treasure. I believe that Tom DeLay is a valuable asset to the United States Congress and in turn, a valuable asset to his constituents," continues Perkins.

"I will proudly stand beside Tom DeLay and I commend him for his stalwart defense of American values in the face of criticism and threats to his elected office."
The left-wing blogosphere is pretending, at least, to be shocked - SHOCKED - by the spectacle of Christians standing up to defend this breathtakingly corrupt politician.

Such surprise is surprising. The leaders of the Christian right have made no secret of their priorities.

In fact, all you need to understand about what is important to the most prominent figures of the religious right you can find on the website of the Christian Coalition.

Just take a look at the Coalition's "Legislative Agenda" page. Nowhere among the 15 agenda items will you find such quaint New Testament notions as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked or otherwise addressing the needs of the poor.

Nowhere will you find even such Old Testament instructions such as fighting for justice for widows and orphans.

The top three, in fact, are:

  • Protect Religious Television Programming

  • Support Legislation Stopping Religious Discrimination Against Evangelical Christians in the Military

  • Making Permanent the 2001-2003 Federal Tax Cuts
Yes, indeed. The Christian Coalition's number-three priority is making Bush's tax cuts permanent. Never mind what Jesus says about rendering unto Caesar. Bush needs his upper-income tax cuts. Onward, Christian soldier!

So, nobody should be surprised when the leaders of the conservative religious community take up arms in defense of a venal politician like Tom DeLay.