Friday, March 17, 2006

Bob Edwards back on, still supports public radio

Newsweek posts an enjoyable interview with former NPR host Bob Edwards at the MSNBC website.

Among the better nuggets is the revelation that Edwards, dumped shamefully from the airwaves just months before his 30th anniversary on "Morning Edition," is back on the air on a growing number of public radio affiliates. Public Radio International is airing excerpts of his hour-long XM satellite radio program on local stations under the heading "Bob Edwards Weekend."

Also, Edwards graciously offered his moral support for the institution of public radio, saying that despite what happened to him, it remains a vital and valuable medium.

I've even said so on my show here. It's just a necessity, a national treasure. We need to support that, and people can't get angry at public radio, or even NPR, for what happened to me—it's bigger than that. It's absolutely worthy of support.


UncommonSense said...


I could not agree more. I don't have XM, but I am going to start searching for podcasts of "Bob Edwards Weekend." I miss his voice.

Anonymous said...

He was one of the grt voices of NPR
their loss and XM gain, but I'm thinking about becoming a subscriber because it's rare to have a good interviewer

Anonymous said...

Bob Edwards and his guests make every weekday morning a delight. I am very happy that I subscribed to XM.