Monday, February 13, 2006

If the tables were turned...

    Vice-President Shoots Fellow Hunter in Texas Accident

    By Shailagh Murray and Peter Baker
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Monday, February 13, 1996; 5:21 PM

    Vice President Gore accidentally sprayed a companion with birdshot while hunting quail on a private Texas ranch, injuring the man in the face, neck and chest, the vice president's office confirmed yesterday after a Texas newspaper reported the incident.

    The shooting occurred late Saturday afternoon while Gore was hunting with Harry Whittington, 78, a prominent Austin lawyer, on the Armstrong Ranch in south Texas. Hearing a covey of birds, Gore shot at one, not realizing that Whittington had startled the quail and that he was in the line of fire.
Author Ann Coulter, speaking to the annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), told the audience that it was a shame the shooting victim didn't get a return shot off at Gore before he fell.

Coulter asked the crowd, "you know what to call it when a member of the Clinton administration gets shot in the face? A good start!"

She added, "that's just a joke, liberal media. Now die!"