Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Erroneous Renditions

The Inspector General of the CIA is investigating the possibility that people unconnected to terrorist activities have been snatched up in Bush's Extraordinary Rendition program.

The AP reports:

Some 100 to 150 people have been snatched up since 9/11. Government officials say the action is reserved for those considered by the CIA to be the most serious terror suspects.

Bush has said that these transfers to other countries — with assurances the terror suspects won't be tortured — are a way to protect the United States and its allies from attack. "That was the charge we have been given," he said in March.

But some operations are being questioned.

The CIA's inspector general, John Helgerson, is looking into fewer than 10 cases of potentially "erroneous renditions," according to a current intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigations are classified. Others in the agency believe it to be much fewer, the official added.

For instance, someone may be grabbed wrongly or, after further investigation, may not be as directly linked to terrorism as initially believed.
"Fewer than 10?" Isn't one "erroneous rendition" one too many? Sure, Bush says the destination countries have to promise not to torture the rendered subjects. But, if that were true, why do it at all?

So, we could have innocent people being sent to hellholes in Egypt to get electrodes placed on their testicles. Way to go, Mr. President. Freedom's on the march.


Spoke said...

I'm a caucasion Canadian, born in England. I have a passport and Canadian Citizenship...I live permanently in Canada. If I was in a US airport stop over, the Feds could "detain" me almost indefinately without charge. They could do it reguardless of my citizenship, religious bent or skin pigment. That is not freedom and security. That is Paranoia and Terrorism.
God HELP America