Friday, November 11, 2005

God: Pat who?

From The Swift Report:

God denied having any links to conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson yesterday after He received reports that Mr. Robertson told citizens of a Pennsylvania town that they had rejected Him by voting their school board out of office for supporting "intelligent design" and warned them not to be surprised if disaster struck.


Doogman said...

Patty boy better think real hard about the afterlife.

Pat shouldn't fear the godless terrists(sic) or the libruls(really sic), he should FEAR GOD. One day he'll have to answer for all his idioticalyptic remarks. THAT'S going to take some 'splainin.

Honestly, I feel sorry for someone who STANDS on the 'bslap' button for YEARS. Man, when -that- karma comes due, it's gonna leave one heck of a mark. Kinda like that big crater in Arizona...

Sure will be fun to WATCH tho... gonna get me a lawn chair, a 12-pack, some cheetos and a viddy-kamra!!! YEEEE HAAAWWW!!!!!!