Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Katrina Response - Bush to "find out what went wrong."

President Bush is on the case.

The New York Times reports that Bush will oversee personally the investigation into his failure to lead the nation during its time of crisis.

''What I intend to do is lead an investigation to find out what went right and what went wrong,'' Bush said. ''We still live in an unsettled world. We want to make sure we can respond properly if there is a WMD (weapons of mass destruction) attack or another major storm.''

But Bush said now is not the time to point fingers and he did not respond to calls for a commission to investigate the response.

''One of the things people want us to do here is play the blame game,'' he said. ''We got to solve problems. There will be ample time to figure out what went right and what went wrong.''
So, the president's primary goal is to avoid pointing the finger of blame at himself. Call me a crazy optimist, but I'm thinking he can pull this one off. Bush might have proven himself completely incapable of managing the federal response to a natural disaster, but I have no doubt that he can manage to deflect responsibility for his failure onto someone else.

Maybe he'll announce his findings at one of his famous press conferences:

    "I have concluded that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina was a disaster due to a top-down failure of leadership. My dumb ass stayed on vacation for two effin' days after the storm hit. Condi was shoe shoppin'. Brownie is an idiot. Mike Chertoff is a know-nothin' political hack. I never shoulda cut fundin' for shorin' up them levees. I apologize to God and man for my dereliction of duty. I have offered myself my resignation and I have accepted it. My God have mercy on my soul.

    I will now take your questions."
I'm sure it will go something like that.

We don't need no stinking commission to look into this one. The president is going to ride herd on this one himself. I feel better already.


UncommonSense said...

Well, according to Condi, there were three - count 'em - THREE distinct emergencies:

- Hurricane

- Flooding

- Looting

These people...