Thursday, August 25, 2005

President Bush presents Tammy Pruett, the Anti-Cindy Sheehan

The latest twist of President Bush's flailing, failing attempt to regain control of the Iraq war debate finds him trotting out pro-war moms who are, to hear him tell it, perfectly willing to sacrifice their children.

Standing on a stage in Nampa, Idaho, Bush introduced Tammy Pruett, whose four sons are on active duty in Iraq:

There are few things in life more difficult than seeing a loved one go off to war. And here in Idaho, a mom named Tammy Pruett -- (applause) -- I think she's here -- (laughter) -- knows that feeling six times over. (Applause.) Tammy has four sons serving in Iraq right now with the Idaho National Guard -- Eric, Evan, Greg and Jeff. Last year, her husband Leon and another son, Eren, returned from Iraq, where they helped train Iraqi firefighters in Mosul. Tammy says this -- and I want you to hear this -- "I know that if something happens to one of the boys, they would leave this world doing what they believe, what they think is right for our country. And I guess you couldn't ask for a better way of life than giving it for something that you believe in." America lives in freedom because of families like the Pruetts. (Applause.)
It has come to this. The spontaneous anti-war movement inspired by Cindy Sheehan's heartfelt quest for answers is being countered by staged events such as this one and Move America Forward's "You Don't Speak For Us, Cindy" bus tour.

I notice two things about Bush's presentation of Tammy Pruett. First, he doesn't let her speak for herself. Second, Ms. Pruett's sons, as of this writing, are still alive. May God protect them and bring each of them home alive and whole.


Anonymous said...

Bush is disgusting, this is his lowest attempt to sell his illegal war. Talk about being used for political gain.

Anonymous said...

What strikes me as odd is how much the words put into Tammy Pruett's mouth by GWB sound like the kinds of things you here from parents who supported their kids' decisions to become suicide bombers.

How are we winning the war on terror if we are turning into our enemy?

Anonymous said...

Das is right. This is not a war against terror, it's a war that piles horror over fear and hatred over hostility only to support the never ending greed of an agressive economy in recession... What a pity for the brain-washed pawns on both sides of the frontline.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Cindy shows so much disrespect for her sons decision to serve his country. He was a man and she acts like he was a boy incapable of deciding for himself that his decicion to serve was right!
She is stripping away at the dignity of our dead patriots - of people who put aside political biased to serve out an oath they swore.

Anonymous said...

Cindy Sheehan's son made the decision to serve this nation against foreign threats and knew the threats. God bless him for his service. Sheehan's attack on politicians (Clinton, McCain, Bush etc..), her camp outside the white house, her admiration of Hugo Chavez, is all beginning to show her lack of respect for this country and seemingly just enjoying the spotlight.