Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What's news? CNN is changing anchors!

Some talking face at CNN is being replaced by some other talking face on the network's morning show. Whatever.

What really intigues me is why on earth the Washington Post felt they could only do this story justice with a 1,000 word epic filling up three pages of online content.

I mean, let's put it in the context of other big stories on the WaPo's site today:

    - At Least 15 Killed by Attacks in Iraq; Dozens Injured (295 words)

    - Post-ABC Poll: Bush Ignoring Public Concerns (392 words)

    - General Motors Cutting 25,000 U.S. Jobs (402 words)

    - Bill Would Give CIA More Power Overseas (524 words)

    - CNN's New Chemistry Set: O'Brien & O'Brien (1002 words)

    - E-mails Detail Boeing 'Bailout' (1,502 words)
This, on a day when the only mention of the Story of the Century, that of the Downing Street Minutes, is in a "World Opinion Roundup" of how HUGE the story is... overseas!

Thanks, WaPo. What would we do without you.


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