Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ooof! Frist, '08? Maybe not.

Yes, Dr. Senator, this is exactly what a kick in the balls feels like:

Frist has joined conservative evangelicals calling for a change in Senate rules that would prohibit filibusters of judicial nominees.

Robertson told "This Week" that he didn't think Frist would run for president and said, "I just don't see him as a future president." But he praised two other senators as possible GOP presidential contenders: Sam Brownback of Kansas and George Allen of Virginia, both of whom are well liked by the Christian right.
A big, hard, dead-center kick in the balls. With steel-toe workboots.

The thing to learn, and it's too bad you had to learn it the hard way, is that there is no pleasing these people. Nothing is ever enough. As I said once before, it's like going into business with the mob.