"That's My Bush," Comedy Central's late, unlamented pre-911 series spoofing the George W. Bush administration featured an episode titled "An Aborted Dinner Date." The story revolved around George's effort to juggle a dinner date with Laura scheduled at the same time as a White House abortion summit with pro-choice and pro-life activists.
The pro-life activist was an "abortion survivor" named Felix. It was an obvious, if over-the-top, sight gag:
Well, there aren't any pictures, but The Guardian (UK) posts a story today about a woman suing her health care provider over a botched abortion in which one of the twins she was carrying survived the procedure.
A mother who gave birth to a twin girl following an incomplete termination is suing the hospital where she had the procedure for £250,000 to help with the cost of raising the child.The good news is that, unlike poor Felix, four-year old Jayde Dow is perfectly normal and healthy.
Stacy Dow had a termination at six weeks at Perth Royal infirmary after she found out she was pregnant with twins when she was 16. But 27 weeks later she discovered she was still carrying one of the twins.
Miss Dow, from Perth, is suing the hospital trust to compel it to contribute towards the costs of her daughter Jayde's upbringing.
Miss Dow, 20, said that after the termination she was advised it had been successful. She was then given a contraceptive injection, which she was told could lead to weight gain and an erratic menstrual cycle. She put the continuing symptoms of pregnancy down to this injection.
But when she later went to her GP she was told she was still pregnant. One of the foetuses had survived and was only seven weeks from term. Jayde was born by caesarean section on August 30 2001.
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