Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Scarborough: Bush either 'lying' or 'stupid'

On MSNBC this morning, Joe Scarborough and his guests discussed the administration's ludicrous claim that President Bush did not learn until last week that the U.S. intelligence community had determined that Iran has no nuclear weapons program.

What Bush knew and when he knew it is important because he spent the summer and fall attacking Iran with increasingly belligerent rhetoric which many observers interpreted as a laying the foundation for a military strike.

Bush said during a press conference yesterday that Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell advised him in August that there was new information about Iran's nuclear progress. Bush said McConnell did not give him any specifics, however, and by his own admission the president apparently did not ask for any.

The crew on Morning Joe dissected the obvious ridiculousness of this piece of White House spin [Via ThinkProgress].