Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ronald Reagan is still dead

Somebody should tell Rudy, because he seems to think Reagan is his running mate.

This ad is a masterpiece of logical fallacies masquerading as a message.

Giuliani seeks to bolster his own credibility by associating himself with a positive memory of Reagan's legacy. He does this entirely by implication, and in the most ham-handed fashion. He simply recounts a happy story about the GOP icon and asks the viewer to assume two things: that his conclusions about what the story tells us about terrorism are true; and that he, as the messenger, should be the beneficiary of that conclusion.

Giuliani is doing nothing more meaningful here than suggesting to viewers that they can re-elect Ronald Reagan by electing him.

But Ronald Reagan is dead, and all the wishful thinking of the GOP won't bring him back. They are going to have to fight this one out on their own.