With Ebert and Roeper having departed their show, Ebert & Roeper, Turner Classic Movies host and part-time Young Turk Ben Mankiewicz steps in to fill half the void.
Ben Lyons, a Hollywood reporter and film critic for ''E! News'' and others, and Turner Classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz will take over ''At the Movies'' when its new season begins in September, Disney-ABC Domestic Television said Tuesday.So which Ben will play "Ebert," and which one will play "Roeper?"
Don't look for the syndicated program's ''thumbs up-thumbs down'' ratings to return. Roger Ebert shares a trademark lock on it with the widow of his late co-host, Gene Siskel, and Ebert has said they're hanging on to it.
''It's an awesome responsibility,'' Mankiewicz, 41, told The Associated Press. ''We're going to try to reach an audience that cares about movies'' -- the same audience as before, he said, but perhaps bigger.