Monday, July 21, 2008

Court throws out fine for Janet Jackson's 'wardrobe malfunction'

[AP Photo]

CBS wins its appeal of a half-million dollar fine for the boob shot seen 'round the world.

A U.S. appeals court Monday threw out a fine against CBS for Janet Jackson's live nipple flash during half-time at the 2004 Super Bowl in Houston.

The $550,000 fine was imposed was imposed by the Federal Communications Commission, which itself was under pressure from Congress to clean up broadcasting.

The Philadelphia-based court ruled that the FCC fine was arbitrary and flew in the face of longstanding policy -- specifically, that brief nudity was not indecent, Broadcasting & Cable reported. The court also said broadcasters could not be held liable for on-air actions they could not see coming.
Apropos of nothing, the first-ever post on this blog was in reference to that infamous "wardrobe malfunction."

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